Metal Braces Vs. Invisalign

Published on
August 14, 2024

A straight, beautiful smile not only gives you a boost of confidence, it's important for your oral health, too. Luckily, there are numerous treatments available nowadays that can fix orthodontic issues. Metal braces are one of the most common options for people who need their teeth aligned, but new technologies like Invisalign are now available as well.

If you have orthodontic issues and you’re not sure which option is best for you, do some research first and, of course, book an appointment with a dentist near you to determine if you are a good candidate for the treatment you seek.

Let’s explore the main differences between metal braces and Invisalign.

Cost of Invisalign vs. Braces

Invisalign tends to be more expensive than traditional braces, but the cost of the two options is similar. It depends on how many clear trays you would need with Invisalign, and the dentist can run a simulation to let you know if this option is viable. 

Be sure to check if your dental insurance covers any of the two options and use your benefits to lower the costs.

Appearance of Invisalign vs. Braces

One of the main reasons to consider Invisalign is that it’s very discreet. The system uses clear plastic aligners that are created specifically for your teeth. The aligners are also removable so you can take them out to brush and floss to maintain excellent oral health.

Metal braces are visible and, while they do come in clear ceramic options, the discreet appearance of Invisalign seems to be preferred by patients of all ages.

Effectiveness of Invisalign vs. Braces

Invisalign can correct most orthodontic issues, and the technology is always advancing to tackle more complex cases. A consultation with your doctor will help determine if your case is appropriate for Invisalign treatment. 

Metal braces are a tried and true orthodontic treatment, and may give some patients more effective results. For instance, Invisalign patients need to be responsible enough to wear their aligners for 20-22 hours per day. With metal braces, patient responsibilities are lessened. 

Care of Invisalign vs. Braces

When wearing any orthodontic device, patients should pay special attention to hygiene and cleaning. The Invisalign trays have to be taken out before each meal and cleaned thoroughly at least once a day. 

Braces require a different approach to maintenance and care. They make brushing and flossing more challenging, so it’s important to be extra thorough and careful when cleaning your teeth. There are some food restrictions to keep food particles from getting stuck in your braces, so it’s important to avoid those foods. Occasionally, wires may poke out a bit and you’ll need wax to protect your mouth. Overall, patients are not responsible for taking care of the brackets and wires of the system unless it’s to inform their orthodontist that something is loose or broken. 

Still Not Sure What to Choose?

Before you can choose between metal braces and Invisalign, book an appointment to see if you are a candidate for Invisalign in Pflugerville. Dr. Moetaz Homsi and his team at Primavera Dental Group specialize in Invisalign and will suggest the best treatment options for you. We will take all the factors into consideration and recommend the treatment that will bring the best results in the least amount of time. 

Connect with us to schedule an appointment at our Pflugerville, TX dental office.

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